Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Hosuing/bathing


21 14:42:06

Hello my guinea pig has just had pups! My questions are.....

If I keep them can the males live with my male guinea pig? can the females live with there mother?

Do they need any different care then the older ones?

I am making two 56"x28" cages how many piggies can I keep in each?

Also the mtoher needs to be bathed should I wait untill the pups are weaned?

When can I handle the pups?

Also I have another female guinea pig I was wodnering if yuo could give me some tips on introducing her to the mother after the pups are weaned?

Thank you for any information in advance.

<<Hello my guinea pig has just had pups! My questions are..... >>

I hope this was accidental and won't happen again.

If I keep them can the males live with my male guinea pig? can the females live with there mother?>>

Yes and Yes, provided the cages are big enough.

<<I am making two 56"x28" cages how many piggies can I keep in each? >>

A 2x4 is big enough for 4 pigs. However, it is preferred that males have bigger cages.

<<Also the mtoher needs to be bathed should I wait untill the pups are weaned?>>

Why does she need bathed? You do not have to wait until the pups are weaned, just make sure she is dry when she is put back in with them.

<<When can I handle the pups?>>

You can handle them right away. The mother will not harm them.

<<Also I have another female guinea pig I was wodnering if yuo could give me some tips on introducing her to the mother after the pups are weaned?>>

You don't have to wait until after the pups are weaned, but if you want to go ahead. Another sow will not hurt the young and will act as an aunt. INtroduce them on neuteral grounds before putting them together in the cage.

<<Do they need any different care then the older ones?>>

Nope, but they do need Alfalfa hay in their diet for 6 months.