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Does my Guinea Pig have a cold?

21 14:28:18

My Guinea Pig seems to have a cold. He sounds stuffy and you can hear his congestion.  His appetite is very good and he is not acting like he is sick. Should I be doing anything for him? We accidently bought Alfalfa Hay instead of Timothy Hay and noticed that his cold like symptoms started soon after. Do you think it is anything serious?  Could it also be an allergic reaction? If it is a cold, how long should it take to clear up?

Thank you!

Hello Morgan,

It sounds like a URI (Upper Respiratory Infection; kinda like a cold). It won't clear up and without treatment it can kill him very quickly. The fact that he isn't acting sick yet means you probably caught it fast and if he sees a vet soon, he has a good shot at getting well. Baytril is often the drug of choice for URIs (try to get the liquid form, not the pills, it's easier to give). It could just be an allergy to the hay but with the fact that URIs can be such quick killers, it's not worth the delay to test the theory. Every day counts (this comes from experience). I'm not sure what time it is where you are, but if you can take him to the vet now that would be great, if not get him there as soon as you can and keep him eating. You can use a vaporizer to help him breathe better. If you don't have a vaporizer, you can take a hot shower with all the windows and doors closed and take him into the room with you (not into the shower, just the room so he can breathe the steam) to help clear away some of the congestion, too. It's very important you get him to the vet soon. I can't stress that enough. If it's an allergy and you go, you've lost a bit of cash, but if it's a URI and you don't go, you've lost a pig. With timely treatment, he should recover in a week to 10 days with no ill effects and love you all the more as his savior. He will be in my prayers for a speedy recovery. Good luck!
