Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > my skinny pig

my skinny pig

21 14:24:33

My cavy was introduced to a dwarf rabbit(one time only). He became extremely excited in her presence. He began squealing loudly and jumping up and down and around in circles. He also attempted to mount the rabbit from behind. At one point he urinated on her face, and several other times he would lick and chew his penis. A rank odor was noticed aswell. My question is, if he becomes so aroused without the benefits of having ejaculation, can this be harmful? Also he eliminates waste quite frequently when he exhibits this excitement. This is a new pet to me, and I am uncertain if large testes are common in male cavies as my cavies are extremely large and drag behind him.

Large testicles on a mature male, are quite common and are normal and healthy. It is quite odd for a guinea pig to exhibit that sort of behavior to a rabbit (even if it is a dwarf rabbit). Unless that rabbit is in season, he can be with her,the rabbit, (although supervision is not only recommended, it is necessary).I hope the rabbit was not in season when they met (although it could make an interesting animal)!