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Just had babies

21 14:16:26

I purchased 2 guinea pigs together and was told both were females. I actually got rid of one because she was very, very agressive. I find out when I take her back to the store that she was aggressive. Anyway not knowing much about guinea pigs, I am sitting here at the computer when I hear a noise. I turn around to see what Rusty is doing and see a baby!!!! I am shocked..... I now know that the guinea pig I got rid of was a male and not a female as I was told. I don't know what to do or how to take care of them. So far there are two and don't know if there will be more. Question is: How do I take care of them? And when can I separate them from Rusty. I don't want to keep the babies because I only want one and that is the mother Rusty. Please help!!!!!!

Hi Alicia

First of all, don't panic.

Take a look at This will tell you if your babies are male or female.

Baby piggies are born with the ability to eat on their own almost immediately and piggy mothers like rusty are generally very good.

If there are any males, you need to separate them from rusty and their sisters at 4 weeks of age to prevent imbreeding. You can keep the baby girls with rusty up to the age of 6 weeks when you can offer them to other homes.

Next, check your local phone book for any rescue centres that could adopt your babies. You could even ask the pet store to take them seeing as they gave you a male and told you it was a girl.

Let me know if you have any other questions, I am always here.
