Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > why did it die?

why did it die?

21 14:16:26

last night my guinea pig seemed fine same as usual it was very young and it would run around i checked on it this morning it was perfectly fine it was not like outside it had it like its own room and it is attached our house it was in the cage an hour later it was stiff as a rock and wouldn't move i tried to put water in its mouth it wouldn't open up so i came to a conclusion that it was dead please answer quickly need to find a reason to tell my little sister how it died i hope you get this letter and i hope you send me something back and if we do get a new how do we prevent it from getting the same thing as piglet the guinea pig
please help and help fast thank you
e-mail me at
thanks for your time  


Piglet could have died due to an inherited sickness, URI (Upper Respiratory Infection), to dehydrated, pneumonia, or something like that. I am think though it might have been pneumonia, I had a rescue pig who died from it and I didn't know she was sick until about 2 hours before she died. She acted normal even the morning that she died she was acting normal.

To prevent the same thing from happening to the next one if you get one is by making sure it gets lots of vitamin C in the form of fresh foods. To keep the immune system strong as Guinea Pigs have an immune system deficiency and so they require lots of vitamin C in their diets. Pay close attention to it, if you notice a slight change in behavior, eating habits, not drinking, or in the poop and peeing habits, take it to a vet or ask someone who knows about Guinea Pigs what it could be and if it needs to see a vet or if it can be home treated. Make sure the litter in the cage is Aspen, Carefresh, Towels, or even fleece to prevent URI and pneumonia, as pine and other scented woods are dangerous to small animals as it creates URI and pneumonia in them. By doing all that you are more able to prevent death from happening due to sickness.

I am sorry that Piglet died. I am truly sorry.
 I hope these helps,
     Good luck to you,
           Take care now,