Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > handling/behavior


21 14:30:03

HEY!Yesterday i just got an 8-10 week old male guinea pig and i know its a new enviorment for him and it takes time to get him use to it and me, but i was wandering was there an easier way to get him to be calm when i go to hold him or eub him? because he seems very afraid when i go to pick him up or when i rub him and i was curious to kno how i could help him get more confrontable and more use to being picked up or rubed then for him to get nervous or sqeel?

Hi Shanta,

The best thing is to use your voice. Talk softly all the time - as you enter the room he is in, as you walk to the cage, as you look in at him, as you pick him up, as you hold him and as you put him down. Talking before he sees you gives him a forewarning that you are approaching (as opposed to you suddenly jumping into view), and talking when he can see you or is being held reassures him.

Is he indoors? Indoor pigs are well known to be the most people-friendly, loving, brave guineas; outdoor pigs are all these but definitely not the the extent that indoor piggies are.

Also, adopting another male piggy from a rescue or shelter will help him pick up his courage quicker.

Just give him time. It can take up to 6 months for him to fully settle and relax; and some never get used to being picked up. Regular handling does help in the long term though, so keep with it. Little and often rather than one long cuddle.

Best Wishes,

- Laura