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Frisky Male Guinea Pig

21 14:10:38


My guinea pig is about 2 months old. In the last week, it has been trying to mount(hump) the back of my hand.  Normally the guinea pig squeaks a lot, but while it is doing this mounting, it coos.  It will attempt to mount any time you put your hand in the cage. We have not been available to curb this behavior.  We do not want to buy another guinea pig. We are desperate.  Do you have any suggestions?



Hi Steph.  Your guinea pig is young and at two months he is beginning his path toward adolescenthood which for pigs entails much dominance establishment.  This means a lot of mounting and moody sounding noises, whether he lives with another pig or not.  I have not actually heard of a pig that humps excessively so there yet may be some kind of treatment to deal with hormones out there.  It be worth asking your vet about it.  I have never 'dealt' with this behaviour so to speak because i believe it to be normal, and it is something that the young tend to grow out of mostly to some extent, as all pigs will always behave like this for example if they smell the scent of another animal or pig.  I hope this has helped somewhat, I'm sorry i couldn't offer you much to relieve you of this frustration which i can appreciate!