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guinea pigs - roy and tina - bedding

21 14:25:49

Hi , it's me once more!! i have a bit of a problem because all my research about my piggies bedding is driving me mad!! i cannot find from where to buy any of the beddings suggested!! til now it's been summer and newspaper with dried sorrell had been fine!! it could have been because summer in malta is hot and this had helped to keep the place dry!! but now winter began and in a second the bedding is becoming a mess!! Do you have any alternatives? i had thought of putting old clothes!! Will this be fine?

Thanks for your help
daniela (roy and tina are very grateful for your help!! :))

The best bedding I have found that is not expensive is kiln dried pine shavings. I buy mine at a farm suppy store in big bales for 4.44, but WalMart and a variety of pet stores also sell it, although a little more expensive. You can also use pine pellets, or recycled newspaper bedding, Carefesh, cellsorb. Also aspen shavings, do not use cedar though.