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pregnant momma guinea pig

21 14:24:47

hello-It is this guinea pig's first litter and she got pregnant under a year old herself. But her sides are bulging with lively kicking/moving baby guinea pig(s). She's been this way for almost 3 mos., how much longer before she delivers?
Is the momma's milk enough for the first 4 weeks? What if there's more than 2 in the tummy, will everybody get their fair share for keeping full and growing? Or is there a way I can help?

 If when you said 3 mos. you meant 3 months, then you need to take your mamma pig to a small animal specialized vet as soon as you can. Under a year is a good age for a piggie to become preggers. If you need help finding a vet near you, go to and do an advanced search, for pet type, choose pocket pets. It would be best for it to be within 2 miles of your piggy's residence. Please do this as soon as you get the chance. (: