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In need of a friend

21 14:16:05

Hi there, I recently adopted an unwanted childs pet, Henry.  Henry is a lovely soul and is enjoying his new spoilt piggy life.  He is approximately 3 years old and has always lived alone.  I am worried he should really have a companion.  I do also have 2 girls (Coco & Chanel) in a seperate hutch but do not want babies so keep them seperate.  They have floor time together under a very watchful eye and he seems to enjoy the company although the girls dominate and make it clear it is their territory.  Do you think Henry would benefit from a friend or do you think he is ok after being so long on his own already?  We considered neutering him but at his age thought it unfair and also high risk.

What age boar would you suggest if you think a companion would be good for him?

Many thanks,


Hi Natalie,

I think Henry would benefit a lot from having a companion. I know how difficult it is to provide all the attention a single Guinea Pig needs when there are two others who also need your attention. So if you are feeling that it is unfair to Henry to be alone then by all means get him a companion.

I good age for the companion would be one who is six months to a year younger then Henry. Also make sure the companion has a personality that comes close to Henry's own personality. That way they get along with out a problem. So if Henry is a active then you'll need another one who is active also. If Henry is relaxed, and somewhat active then you'll need to fine one the same way. By doing this your providing a companion that will get along with Henry fine.

I hope this helps,
  Take care,