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Adopting Guinea Pig Friend

21 14:28:51

Hi Brittany,
 I had just asked you a question but had forgotten to include this.  We were thinking about adopting another pig. The only thing is our female, who is almost three, has been an only pig her whole life and is a bit spoiled.  She is our princess. We aren't sure she would like to have a buddy.  What is the likely hood of her getting along with another pig?  She doesn't seem to be afraid of other animals, but we wouldn't want to stress her out.  Thanks!

She could get along with another pig, you just have to find a pig that she likes. With what your describing I would get a very shy and timid pig, or at least a pig that will not stand up and defend itself, your female sounds very dominant, so in other words get a pig with a resessive personality. The best thing to do would be let your female pick out her own friend, some rescues and breeders might let you bring your female to pick out another pig. Also I would stick with a calm pig that is between 1 year- 3 years old, try to get a pig that will not bother your female by wanting to play all of the time. The best bet for you though would be to take your female with you to pick out a friend, that way you know that they will get along before you purchase a pig.