Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Sick Pig??? or Normal???

Sick Pig??? or Normal???

21 14:12:14

My guinea pig is 5 months old.  He seems pretty healthy, He lives with his brother who is the same age.  I recently noticed a bump about one inch above his bum.  It almost looks like another bum.  Any thoughts?  I am a first time owner.


It could be a cyst or an abscess that is on his bum. I don't know what it is with out seeing it. Tell ya what take a picture of the bump, make like your going to send me a question. It doesn't have to be anything other then telling me you've got the picture, select private and I'll give you my email address so that you can send the picture to me and I'll take a look and see if I can't give you a for sure answer as to what it could be.

         Take care now,