Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > 5 year old boar with diarrhea

5 year old boar with diarrhea

21 14:13:37


my guinea pig, cydril, just turned five. for the past week or so, his droppings have had a pasty consistency, not the firm pellets i'm used to seeing. he seems interested in food, but when i try to offer him his favorite pellets by hand, he acts as though he'd rather take them from the bowl.  i've tried giving him extra timothy hay and alfalfa, and he is eating and drinking, but the diarrhea situation doesn't seem to be improving. is there anything over-the-counter i can try?


Hi Jess

Usually if diarrhea is not accompanied with any other signs of ill health, we are just dealing with a minor stomache upset.

You can give a small amount of arrowroot powder with water to make a paste and give 1.5ml twice a day by syringe.

I hope that helps but please let me know if you need an alternative.
