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Loss of cavy

21 13:39:02

Hello, I had a guinea pig for 3 weeks when it got diarrhea pretty bad.  I took her to the vet who gave her some fluids and began treating her with Albon.  He also told me to begin feeding her Critical Care.  Last night I gave her some mixed with water.  I was holding her for about a half an hour and then I put her in her cage.  When I went to check on her around an hour later she had passed away.  I'm not really sure what happened.  She took the food pretty good and when I had her on my lap she was moving around pretty good,too.  Any thoughts? Do you think it could have had anything to do with the Critical Care.  I feel terrible and I keep thinking I did something wrong.

Diarrhea is a sign of a serious intestinal problem. Because these little guys are so small it doesn't take much for them to dehydrate.  When they become seriously ill as you little girl did, they succumb very quickly.

It's possible it was something she ate. But even with a necropsy that wouldn't necessarily give you and answer.  

This was not because of the Critical Care. Whatever it was, you had nothing to do with this. Don't beat yourself up with the "what if's" and try to figure out what happened. We just don't always know, and you did a valiant job of trying to save her. You did what you should have done, but it was just too little too late.  

I know how painful it is to fight so hard and lose the battle. I'm so sorry you lost her.