Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > First time piggie owner.

First time piggie owner.

21 13:43:13


I got my Chloe about a week ago. I was told that she is 8 weeks old by the clerk at the pet store. I was just wondering how long it may take for her to get use to me and my boyfriend being around her. We let her out to play daily, and have been trying to entice her with fruits and veggies, but it seems as if she is simply putting up with us.
She doesn't seem very active, in or out of her cage. If I hold her in my lap she stays basically still, and if I try to pet her, she makes a low pitched type of sound and her whole body vibrates!
Does she still just have to get used to us? And what could I do to try and help her feel more comfortable in her new home?


That low pitched sound you're hearing is a kind of purring that means "that feels good".  She may take some time to get used to you, but it sounds like you're very lucky to have a pig that actually sits still and enjoys being petted.  Many pigs don't sit still and do their best to get away. I actually think you're lucky to get a calm little girl. The fact that she's purring at you means she enjoys your touch.