Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > cavy/guineapig shows

cavy/guineapig shows

21 13:51:55

hi, i have several question but my biggest is what are the guinea pigs judged on? i have two of them so if i do enter a show can the both be entered under my name? and (last one i promise) would it be smarter to drive there or should i fly i live in illinois
thanks! jen

If you want to enter your guinea pig into a guinea pig show or cavy show you need to contact the Show Secretary in advance for a Show Schedule.  Classes are organised by breed, sex and age with age classes "under 5 months", "5 - 8 months" and Adult.  Breed classes are judged on type as well as fitness and cleanliness, some are also judged on friendliness and healthiness. Guinea pigs showing any sign of illness or parasites are disqualified.
Both of your guineas would be able to be entered under your name, but you would need to specify their age, breed and their names aswell.
I don't think it would matter how you got there, as long as your guinea would be safe and not get too overheated. I hope this helps and sorry for taking so long to reply.