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The Snuffles

21 14:45:55

I have recently bought 2 Guinea pigs, both males. They are 12-16 weeks old. They were born with skin promblems so they where treated and put for sale. So they have been together there hole lives. from when we bought them one of them had the snuffles. Sneezing often with an ocassional runny nose mostly dry tho. Is this a common cold? if so why hasnt the other got it? Apart from that its eyes are clear and its quite a lively Guinea pig. I havent heard one of them squeek yet is this common? please Write back  

 This is a common cold. I would take him up to the vet or get a type of medicine for him to take. Are they in seperate cages? If so then it would most likely be hard to get it if the other guinea pig is in a different cage. If they're together then it could be that the cold he has isn't contagious or the other guinea pig hasn't got the cold yet. Usually a guinea pig with a common cold can spread it around to guinea pigs faster. They should squeak when they're hungry or thirsty. This really isn't that normal for a guinea pig not to squeak. I hope this is helpful and thanks for writing to me.