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the hehavoir of mt male guinea pig

21 14:40:15

I have 3 guinea pigs( 2 boys 1 girl) my female guinea pig is pregnant(roxy) with my male guinea pig (nugget). often i am awaken at night when nugget jumps on roxy and chasses the other male guinea pig around (milkey way). what is nugget doinng to roxy? i no i should sperate them when she goen into labor  should i  seperate them now? i dont no  if nugget is hurting roxy and i don t no if it mihgt harm the babies in side of her. i am considering keeping one female baby and seperateing the girls form the boys. Can u tell me why nugget does this and if he is hurting my female guinea pig?  please rite back soon or contact me at twinhottie38 on aol. Thank u  

Dear Kelsey,

Keep Roxy in a cage by herself, try not to handle her too much.

Here's some information i got from

The Birth
After about 70 days the sow will produce her pups (usually when you're not looking and often at night - so be careful when opening the hutch door for an inspection around this time in case any newborn babes come tumbling out onto the floor!). There is very little blood or mess when guinea pigs are born... mum and any attendant "aunties" will do a superb job of cleaning the babies up!

Baby guinea pigs (called "pups") are miniature adults, fully developed at birth with strong legs, eyes open and hair. Like all herd animals they must be ready to move with their families soon after they are born. Being born in such an advanced stage of development, the pups will be able to eat solid foods within a day, but will benefit greatly from their mother's milk. Mum will suckle her babies for about three weeks, after which the baby boys will need to be separated from their mother and sisters as mentioned above. If you place the boys with their father, first rub them all over with litter from his cage so that they smell of him rather than of the sow.

Basically: Keep the baby girls with their mother, and the boys with the father after making them smell like him and not the mother.

If you have anymore questions then ask me!! Hope I help.
