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Taming my 2 Guinea Pigs

21 14:07:54

Hey Andy,
I have had 3 guinea pigs in the past 5 months their names are fire and ice. Recently fire died and i got a new cavy named domino. Well to the point Ice runs away from me most the time i put my hand near her or try to pet her. She usually lets me pet her in her tube. Domino usually lets me pet him and pick him up with no problems at all.But lately hes has been running away from me. I sit by the side of the cage and talk in a calm voice using their names and I have been doing that for a week now. They also wont take food from my hand what do I do

Hi James

You just need to spend more time handling your pigs on your lap. It does take a lot of time as piggies are prey animals meaning they are always scared.

Some pigs never become very tame but if you handle them you have the best option.
