Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > gunie pigs

gunie pigs

21 14:45:23

how likley is it that if i have a male and female in the cage together they will mate and the female will get pregnant?

these are some of the answers I got from posting a message on

You should tell them that it is very likely that the male and female will mate. Sometimes the female won't let the male mate, but that is rare.

Back before I was against breeding (WAY back) I had a male and female guinea pig living together with the intent to breed them, and it took a while before the female actually became pregnant. So if the person you are talking about is VERY lucky, perhaps the female isn't pregnant yet, but she mostly likely is.

Registered User
Posts: 27
(4/3/04 8:17 am)
Reply  Re: right
Short answer: It is inevitable!!!!!

Registered User
Posts: 25
(4/4/04 6:15 pm)
Reply  What on earth
Of course they will mate and the female will get pregnant, besides they should have enough common sense that breeding weares the sous life down considerably

Please sepertat your girl pig because you will only add to the population , please read this site before breeding
