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Breeding Guinea Pigs

21 13:50:03

Hi.  I have been doing some research on breeding from my guinea pigs but just would like some clarification.
I have 2 males and 2 females housed seperately.  The plan was to put a male in with a female, (so a couple per hutch!)for about a month, and hope that they would both become pregnant during this time. Then i was planning on removing the two boys and putting them back together, hoping that they would still remember each other and not fight too much.  This would leave the two girls, hopefully pregnant, in together.  Then if they were both pregnant i would bring them indoors and seperate them as the birth approaches.  Do you think this is a good way to go about it or do the males like to stay with the females up to the birth?  Would be grateful for any info you can give.  Many thanks,   Nicky.  

Hi Nicky

The boars should be removed and placed in separate cages.
Once they have courted the sows, as they will fight.

The sows need their own space throughout their gestation and should not be anywhere near the boars. Any stress could cause them to abort of become ill.

The Sows should be under a year old but over 6 months for their first litter. If the breeding is done to early or too late their will be pregnancy complications and possible death.

At 4.5 weeks after the birth, and when off mums milk, the boars should be removed from their mum as they will mate their brothers and sisters and mum soon after