Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Mummy lost her baby

Mummy lost her baby

21 14:39:39

Hi there,

About 18 months ago i bought a female guinea pig and her baby (also female) and kept them together, unfortunatly to my horror the baby got really sick on thursday and wouldnt move, she struggled through until sunday when she eventually gave up (i had take her to the vets who had given her antibiotics and pain killers for kidney stones but i think they just sent her home to die) so now i am left with a upset mummy piggy who i dont know how to cheer up. I've given her her fav food (cucumber) and i'm spending as much time as i can with her (she likes coronation street lol) but even though i keep her in the house i dont know what to do to keep her entertained, and give her some company. Would a teddy help or some music on in the room she is in? I dont want to lose mum to a broken heart, losing her baby was hard enough. Thanks for any help you can give me xxx

Hi Claire

I know exactly how you feel and you are taking exactly the right action in order to console the mummy piggy. My advice would be to get another female piggy to keep mummy company. However, spending time with her yourself is also good.
