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Ovarian Tumour

21 13:46:43

Lately I've noticed my guinea pig looking unwell-lethargic and then discovered a lump on her back so i rushed her to the vet immediately. The vet believed it was as a not very harmless tumor. Unfortunately though after closer inspection she discovered that she had another tumor a large lump, the size of a golf ball which she believes is an Ovarian cancer.I will be getting my piggie an ultrasound just to understand more about it but after that i will be left with two choices i can other go forth with an operation which could cause her a lot of stress and could kill her i think this partly the result of the anesthetic,she is quite old too(5 or 6) which i am told will make it even worse.the other option is to just let it go which will cause her pain and cause her to  gradually die.Please help i would deeply appreciate it and i want to see my friendly little piggie happy again.

Ovarian tumors are not uncommon in older guinea pig sows. The good news is that they don't seem to behave as though they have pain or discomfort. The lump on her back may well be just a sebaceous cyst,also common and quite benign.

I have a good friend who had a pig with an ovarian tumor and lived with it for two years. She passed from old age and never showed any signs of the tumor slowing her down.

At her age I don't think I would put her through surgery. She's already an old lady by cavy standards and I honestly don't think it would be beneficial to put her through that. That is of course a decision you have to make, but if you're asking me if I would do it the answer would have to be no.