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Swelling on 8 week old female pig

21 13:44:54


I came to put my pigs in their hutch tonight and the baby girl was evidently in some pain. After examination she has a swelling they extends around the hip/underbelly. It is about 20% of her lower belly but jet on one side. She can walk on it and her lower leg looks fine. I have given her a 500g equivalent dose of Metacam but am worried. She is housed with her mum and I can't feel any obvious bite wounds. I will get her to the vet in the AM if she makes it through the night and will give her some bio lapses and critical care before bedtime. Can pigs react to insect stings?  Any help or suggestions much appreciated.

hey, well, I dont know for certain what has caused this, is could be an allergy, generally speaking something like that i would flood her body with anitbiotics, ivemec or baytril, it is perfectly possible that some sort of insect, like say a wasp stung her and she has had a reaction to it. it is also possible, depending on the swelling that it is some sort of internal impaction. i would really get her down the the vet as early as you can in the morning and see what he can do.

best of luck