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Bonded pair now not getting along

21 13:49:08

Hi Sam, here I go again with questions.

I got my bonded pair, Monty & Theodore bonded with the new guy, Edward now.  In the last couple of days tho', Monty is always chasing Theodore away.  Theodore goes off and lies on his own.  I hate that.  They were together when I got them and I wish I never added Edward to their pairing now.  I read over & over again that guinea pigs thrive in larger groups so I went ahead with regret.

They still live in the same pen and 3 days ago I took in 2 paired male skinny pigs about 3 or 4 months old.  I put them all in the bathtub on a towel today and things seemed to go ok.  I can't predict how it'll be once they're not on neutral ground.  

Since I had to put them back in their pens eventually, Monty, Theodore & Edward went back to the one they've been sharing and again, Monty doesn't let Theodore near him & Edward.  He likes Edward now, not his original partner.  I was afraid of this because I know bunnies can have a tendency to break their bond if a 3rd one is introduced. I thought this didn't happen with guinea pigs.

What is your opinion?


thats a real shame, and very unusual.

well, the longer they spend together the better they should mesh, however if they seem to get on well after a bath and on neutral territory then is there any way of setting up a completely new pen for a week or so, one that has no scent of any of them? then after one or two weeks they can be replaced back into there original cage?

that really is strange.