Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > showing


21 14:23:45

Hello Brittany:
I have a question about showing my guinea pig or pigs, i own 3, i believe two are self,or (American short hair) one is a beige self, the 2nd one has a black head with a touch of orange, brown eyes, and her body is white. and the little boy is a teddy, kinky hair, his feet on bottom,one black, one pink, a little bald spot on his snout, between the eyes,we live close to the pomona fair grounds,in calif. i wanted to show them there.his bald is growing back, he (teddy) is around 1 1/2 months old, my beige self (Lucy) is around 8 or 9 months old,(sweet) is around 4 months old. I'm afraid that because teddy's feet are different colors, that he might be disqualified, our fair is in end of Sept, beginning of Oct, so i have plenty of time to prepare.
i would appreciate your comment.
thank-you very much
                 Karen & the piggies  

Any guinea pig, no matter what color or quality can be shown in the pet category. Typically, as long as the teddy has the right body shape and hair kink they are not disqualified. In most shows the judges are looking for the breed quality, expect in the specific color variety groups. He can not be shown in a self variety for sure, so it would be best to either have him entered as a teddy, or as a pet, different color feet are not automatic disqualifications, because guinea pigs do have different skin colors for different hair colors.