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Guinea pig shedding problem

21 14:18:29

My shorthaired guinea pig (3 years old) has been shedding and having a lot of dandruff lately. she doesn't scratch alot and her diet is normal. we live in Massachusets so could this just be from the climate change?

Hello Milena,
it sounds like she may have mange mites. Is she having bald spots as well? The best thing to do is to take your guinea pig to a vet for a dose of Ivermectin to get rid of the mange mites. If her skin is red and scaley looking as well then i'm positive that she has it. If it's just a little bit of shedding and some dandruff you can try giving her a bath with a small animals shampoo to see if that helps. The best thing to do is to take her to a vet though. Good luck and keep me posted.