Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > guniea pig declining health

guniea pig declining health

21 14:06:44

I have 2 cavies. Hav had them for 3 years. Received them when they were 2 years old. They are brothers. Recently I left them with a friend. The seemed in good health except for one who was noticably blind in one eye and not comfortable. Sleeping  alot however not comfortable enough in one position to stay still. Rotating from one side tot the other...He is eating but noot much and do not think he is drinking enough water. He has become emaciated. His brother is activing normal eating and drinking.
I will take them to my vet tomorrow as it is now sunday and everything is closed. Is there anything I need to do to make my cavy comfortable for the night? I do not want him to suffer. It is warm outside but i don't think too warm.

Please advise.

i have not been able to ask the temporary care giver any questions as to anything unusual happening while I was away.

Thank you for any help you may give me.



I don't know what has caused this, but is there anyway you can bring him in for the night or separate him from his brother, as long as this doesn't cause any stress then this way if he is in a small space and without his brother pushing him around he may be able to eat / drink more and sleep better.

Hope he is ok, and good luck at the vets tomorrow
