Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > mange mites

mange mites

21 14:24:55

I appreciate your response.  The pet shop owner who I mentioned in the previous post is helping me treat my piggies. We're giving it topically, following the dosage charts you gave me links to.  When I consulted with a vet, he told me it would take a number of treatments to clear up the mites. The badly effected piggy was still having scratching fits after the first treatment. The other pig seems to be clearing up. We gave the 2nd dose yesterday (we're giving it every 7 days). How long does it generally take to work, and can I do anything else to sooth the one piggy in the meantime?

The text above is a follow-up to ...

From reading your post and other info. on the web, I've determined that our pigs have mites. One in particular is very bad!  The pet shop owner who we bought them from last year recommended that we try a dip which was for mites (I believe he has a lot of interaction with a breeder who uses this product). He actually did the dip for us without charge and gave me more to do it again at home. The dip seemed to help for about 3-4 days, and the one pig that is only mildly effected seems much better.  The badly effected one is now scratching, crying and having fits worse that ever, and I'm afraid I'm going to loose him.  Should I try the dip again, or switch to ivermectin? Can you give me the proper dose of ivermectin, if that is what you recommend.


Hello Ron,

Switch to Ivermectin. To my knowledge it's the only thing that actually works. The dosage varies between piggies (based on weight) as well as between types. I'm going to give you some links that should give you the information you need to treat him including dosage and different options (orally or topically) so you can decide which is best for your piggies. However, I recommend seeing a vet. Too high of a dose could kill your piggy and too low of a dose could be ineffective. A vet should be able to figure out the proper dosage for your individual piggy as well as knowing which tye of application will be best for his case. Good luck!


Hello Ron,

Sorry to hear they are still not well. It typically takes at least 2 doses, but with his infestation so bad, it may take quite a few more. I really can't give you an exact time frame for it. Steriods can be used to help with the pain (although they should really only be used under the care of a vet). Diazepam can be used for the itching. Anantibiotic may be useful as well to deal with infections caused by the scratching. Keep his nails clipped to help minimize injury from scratching. A protective wrap can be used to help save his body from being ripped apart from his scratching as well. I'm going to send you a couple of links. The first is to GuineaLynx page on mange mites. It goes into great detail about mange mites and treatment options as well as ways to help make him more comfortable. The second is to their page on pain relievers (again I definantly recommend a vet if you want to use these). Hopefully he will be rid of these evil arachnids soon and he'll begin to heal. I'm sorry you are both having to go through this. I know it's heartbreaking. You are doing good though. Keep up the good work and don't give up. Good luck!
