Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Housing/toys/pregnancy


21 14:43:35


How big should a cage for one pig be? how big for two?

What can I put in my guinea pigs cage so she has something to do?

How long are they pregnant? how many are normaly in the first litter?


First off, let me say sorry for not responding sooner. I was on vacation and forgot to let the website know. I'm glad to help you now though.

Your first question. Cages. I can't remember the exact measurements for the cage on how large it should be (what i know is most pet store cages are too small). If you look on this website:  
They let you know the size it should be. They also have ideas for making a cubes and coroplast cage which is a cage i swear by. I have made a C&C cage large enough for my four piggy girls to share one cage, and have enough room to run laps when they are happy!  You should consider making this as the cost will run you about 45-50 dollars which is already cutting the cost in half for a much smaller cage.

Next question. Toys. Here's a small list of some things you can add to your piggy cage to make is more enjoyable for you pig.

1. Hideaway home / pigloo. Something for them to run to for comfort. Wooden homes are best so they can chew the wood and grind down their ever growing teeth.

2. PVC pipe. This pipe is very durable and can be found at any hardware store. It's pretty cheap too. Some stores have precut peices made (in different shapes) and sometimes you have to ask them to cut a piece for you. Just make sure that it's the kind that's 4" wide. If you cut a piece about 7 inches, it works as a great tunnel.

3. Bricks. I lay two side by side in my cage and my piggies will sleep / climb / explore the bricks.

4. Empty toilet paper roll filled with timothy hay. This is a personal favorite for my piggies. It's safe for them to eat the roll as well. It's only fiber.

5. Cardboard boxes / empty oatmeal containers. Just cut holes into them and they make a great place to explore. Also safe to eat.

6. Cat balls. I use the kind that are plastic and have the bell inside.

7. Wooden chew sticks.

8. Balled up piece of white paper (no ink). They can eat this and it's something for them to do.

9. Another guinea pig. This is the best option by far because guinea pigs are very social animals and really thrive on the company of other piggies.

Also remember that guinea pigs can see in color so anything you get them toy wise can be very colorful. The piggies will enjoy that. :)

Now for the last question. Pregnancy.
Guinea pigs gestation period (time from when they get pregnant to the time when they give birth) is about 65 days. So a bit over 2 months. The litter size can vary from 2-5 piggies. Sometimes when they are pregant, you can feel how many babies are inside. Just be careful because a very pregnant mommy can be uncomfortable. Here's a few quick facts if you are dealing with a pregnant piggy.

1. You would need to seperate the babies at 3 weeks of age, or the mommy or one of her daughter could become pregnant by her sons. This would most likely be fatal if this happened to either one of them.

2. Pregnant moms need a bit of extra attention in the food department. Give lots of alfalfa hay (more fattening, more protein) and make sure to give her high vitamin c veggies like dandelion greens, parsley, cilantro, swiss chard.

Here's a website that i find very informational and maybe it can help you too.

Hope this helps.

Christy :)