Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > sick piggie?

sick piggie?

21 14:19:02

Our pig, Jack, has not been drinking any water and has stopped eating.  In addition, his hair has been turning gray (long hair) within the last 2 weeks.  We are worried sick and would like some advice on what to do.  Thanks.  Doesn't seem to have a cold.  


 Guinea Pigs don't get colds, and with Jack not drinking and eating you had better get him to a vet. As these two signs suggest, anorexia, URI, Malocclusion, allergies, other. So you might want to have him checked out by a vet.
 As for the gray hair, I am not sure what could cause that, so you might want to ask the vet what might be causing it.
 I hope everything will be ok with Jack.

  Take Care,