Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > pairing


21 14:46:37

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Question -
Hello! I first want to say that it is great that you are helping people out like me! What would I do without you? :-)
OK my question is.....I got my first guinea pig about 2 months ago and what a joy he is! I can't believe I never had one before.
We just built him a new cage with C&C cubes and he loves it but we were thinking about adopting him a new friend.
Our current pig, Biggles is now about 4 months old and not neutered.
What are the chances of fighting (million dollar question) and what age would be best for him?
Thanks so much!
Answer -
Hello! You are very much welcome, I really enjoy helping people with their guinea pigs...

He is young enough that he should get along with a new one... You should go for a younger guinea pig (4 weeks-3 months) But you should definately try to get one from a shelter! these sites are good

Another site you may want to check out is
I think you would probably enjoy this site! It is especially for the people who really love and enjoy their guinea pigs (cavies)


Hello again! I have checked out my local animal shelter and the ages are 6 months to 3 years. Would a older piggy work? If not I have no problem waiting for a younger one to come to the shelter.
Thanks agian!

I think the older piggie would work. It is harder for the shelter to get young piggies need to ask them that IF they do not get along, will they refund you...I think they should!

The key is to keep the new piggie in quarantine for about 3 weeks...2 would work....this way you do not spread lice or mites to yours. Give them both a bath the day you are going to introduce them...introduce them on "neutral grounds" the bed, floor..couch...whatever you decide..then put them in the cage...they should do fine, some fighting is normal, and teeth chattering, as long as their is NO bloodshed, you should be ok...

Be sure to clean Biggles' cage really good before putting the pair in it, that way it is new to both of them.

Good luck
