Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Albino


21 14:46:39

Hi!  I have an albion guinea pig and I was wondering if they require any special care.  Also, I have heard that albino guinea pigs are weaker and tend to get sick more often?  Is that true?  Thank you.


Ashley --

Well, since true albinos are rare, I've never had one, so I'm not sure I'm totally qualified to answer this question.  However, I have heard that they are a little more prone to illness.  I would recommend that you treat him as normal, but just watch him carefully for any negative symptoms -- listless, off feed/water, discharge, limping, dry skin, hair falling out, etc.

Hope this is helpful.  If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.  Good luck!
