Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > barbaring


21 14:46:39

my female one-two yr old guinea is barbaring my male 3-4yr old albino guinea and he is going bald, any ideas on how to stop this.  i have tried rubbing lemon and orange on his skin, but i wonder what else i could put on to deter him

I had a female that had done that to one of my males. (this was when I was breeding these two) By the time that I seperated him he had an inch of hair left at the top of his head. He is an Sheltie mix and his hair usualy stands at 5-8 inches. The reason that she did this because a male was in her cage and he wanted to mate with her so she would turn and bite some of his hair from his head.
   Maybe you should seperate your guinea pigs to stop her from chewing on his hair.
