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Unexpirenced and Confused

21 13:47:40

Hi, today I got my new 3 1/2 month old female guinea pig.
I really want her to get comfy with me and let me hold her , but all she does is chew on things, she doesnt even drink her water she chews on it!
How can i get my Guinea Pig to be used to me?

Plz Reply

- Ava

P.S this is my first time owning a Guinea Pig.

persistence is the key to getting her to like you, the more frequently you are with her and the longer you are the more accepting she will be. I have found also that generally two guina pigs living together tend to not only be happier but also easier to handle and more accepting of me.
fruit tree wood and bark might be useful to disuade her from chewing other things, there are also sweetened chew toys availble that you can buy. when you have her on your lap a few tips that might make her more content, guinea pigs like there chin to be stroked and they also like to be gently massaged behind there ears a little bit like a dog. in fact in herds a guinea pig will usually be affectionate to another by grooming behind the ear.

as for the water if it is a water bottle then she is probably drinking it, they are just noisy drinkers.

best of luck