Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Mother not accepting orphaned baby from another mother

Mother not accepting orphaned baby from another mother

21 14:11:01

Hope you can help, our guinea had babies 3 weeks ago, they are all healthy. A friend of ours had a piggy who had one baby then died.The baby is one day old, we took him thinking he could go in with ours and the mother would feed him. We put him in the cage and all of them went wild, real high pitched noises and they all surrounded him as if to attack him. We took him out immediately but are worried he won't survive.
Is it natural for the others to have attached him like this?

Hello Heather,
Were they biting and attacking him? Anytime there is a new member they are going to act strange and want to check out the new member. From what I have read and understand is that baby guinea pigs are generally accepting of other guinea pigs. If you feel comfortable enough I would give it another try, but this time I would put them all in a neutral territory so they can become familiar with each other.