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Poorly pigs

21 14:07:11

Our guinea pig has just died.  Four year old female.  Took her to vet last week.  No diagnosis.  Had lost lots of weight, hunched up, bristly fur.  Gradually became weaker.  Previous guinea died about 2 years earlier with similar symptoms, vet diagnosed blocked bowel on that occasion. Any ideas?  Are we doing something wrong?

Hi Anna,

I suggest you find a specialist small animal or exotic pet vet. General vets are notoriously unskilled at diagnosing guinea pigs. Unfortunately, guinea pigs try to hide their illnesses so by the time an owner notices a problem and takes their pet to see a vet, only a very skilled vet will be able to save such a piggy.

In february I had to have one of my guinea pigs put to sleep due to an internal blockage. We found him looking very hunched up in the morning and took him straight to the emergency vets. Even by that stage, he was too poorly, and though they tried to make him better he went into shock and was too weak to survive surgery. This is thought to be a hereditory condition that some guinea pigs are pre-disposed to suffering from, so if your guinea pigs were related, it is very likely that they died of the same condition.

However, four years is a good age for a sow, especially if she was used for breeding.

I'm very sorry for your losses and I hope you are not put off having guinea pigs as pets because of this experience.

If you have any other questions - just ask!

Best wishes,