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Male and Female guinea pigs

21 14:29:59

What is the recommended breeding age?

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Question -
I have a female guinea probably about a year old. I have just been given a male guinea this weekend. He has his own cage and she has hers. When I was setting up his cage, I placed him in hers (before I realized that they were not the same sex). Every since I have put him back in his cage, he stands on his back legs and squeaks towards her cage. The few minutes when he was with her, he sat on her head. They both squeaked and she seemed agrivated by having him in there. Is this normal? Why is he doing this and will he calm down? When I get him out he tries to go to her cage. I think he is a little older than her and almost double her size. Thanks!

Answer -
Hi Tonia,

It sounds like he is probably lonely, pining after her  a bit. He had that company and then he was deprived of it. She may also be in heat and he can smell that, and he wants to do the natural thing and mount her. He should settle down within a few days; getting him a male friend would help greatly, and moving the little girl further away from him or even into another room should ease his behaviour.

Chances, are, the little girl might be pregnant. If you didn't see every tiny movement in the time they were together, you won't knwo for another few weeks, If she is under 3 months or over 8 months and she appears to be gaining a lot of weight, develops a pear shape (or "baby bump" and you see or feel movement in the lower abdomen, then get a vet's advice ASAP, since there can be complications in some cases if they are bred outside the recommened breeding age range.

Best Wishes,

- Laura

For a first time Mum, she needs to be between 3 and 8 months old. 5-6 months is the absolute ideal. Any younger and the sow is too young to cope with a possible litter of up to 8 pups; any older and Dystocia can occur (Dystocia is where the pelvic bones have fused,so birth is almost impossible - an [emergency] C-section will be necessary, which itself poses extra dangers to Mum and pups).

Make sure you research heavily and have emergency numbers available if she shows signs of pregnancy, especially if she hasn't had a litter before and you think she is over 8 months in particular.

Best Wishes,

- Laura