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guinea behaviour and care

21 14:38:04

hi anngela! i just want to ask how to make sure that my guinea pig are pregnant? what are the things i should look out for? what food should i give to my guinea pig if its pregnant?what are the good bedding to use for guinea pig? there is a hairloss in my guinea pig neck area, how to help her to have a hairgrowth?

Hi Kelyn.  Weight gain is the main indicator of pregnancy, and abdomen begins to take on the shape of a melon.  Give her extra veggies, dark ones are best because they are highest in the important vitamins a sow needs. Spinach and Kale are excellent sources of these veggies. White pine is good bedding, carefresh, etc.  Cedar bedding can irritate their eyes so try to avoid it.  As far as the hair loss I'm not real sure what to do.  I can't imagine why she would lose hair on her neck, unless she is rubbing her neck on something in the cage.
I hope this helps!