Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Re;Qustion!


21 14:46:01

How can I get my Guinea Pig to come to me when I call it and how can I get it to recognize its name?My Guinea pig sheds a lot of fur when I hold it but it has no bold spots!Could I do any thing about it?(they are Abissinians).Could you tell me
what wich squeal means .I would also like to know about my pet's pups (they were born about a month ago,there are 2 of them)and what to name them and their parents!How long dous it take for the sow to give another litter?

              Judith Agishtien!

Guinea pigs usualy don't recognise their names and don't come when you call them . They mostly think that you are a preditor. They do shedd 2 a year once in the spring and in the fall.
  Please do not breed your sow , it puts a lot of stress on them. And how do you know they will take care of them ?
 please read this link and loook at the pictures before you breeed your girl.

if you want you can e-mail me with any coments at