Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > My Guine Pigs wont eat

My Guine Pigs wont eat

21 13:47:34

I have two male Guinea Pigs. They were eating just fine till I gave them baths. Now neither one will eat a thing. How can I get them to eat or what do you think is wrong with them? My short haired just cries and squeaks most of the day. I feel so helpless. Your help is greatly appreciated.


How long have they not eaten? if it is just a day or so it could be that they ae a little scared from the bath.

what did you wash them with? some shampoo's are harmful to their skin and eyes, it could be that they are in pain and as a result do not want to eat.

how hot was the bath? you have to be very careful about the temperature, you only really want it to be lukewarm, anything more and it might have harmed them too.

in all liklihood it is most likly nerves, but if it does seem serious then I would arrange a consulation with a vet.

est of luck