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Eating Bedding and Potty Training

21 14:19:03

    I have two guinea pigs that live together in a two level cage the to[ level is 2x2 (c&c) and the bottom level is 2x5 (c&c).  My little girl Sugar is almost three and female.  My little boy Squeaker is almost two and I adopted him from a rescue less than a year ago.  Squeaker is also neutered.  
    I have tried almost every method of potty training my guinea pigs.  I do understand that some guinea pigs are un-trainable (as far as potty training).  What method(s) have you found to be the most effective?  Also I have a cubes and coroplast cage that is about to get bigger I wanted to use some kind of material for the bottom of the cage, such as fleece, but I am worried my guinea pigs will chew the material.  Any good bedding suggestions???
Sugar and Squeaker's mom!

Hello Lana,

If you've tried every method, they likely aren't the type who can be trained. My crew are not trained to potty in a certain area of their cages, I'm happy that they just go to the towel I lay out when I play with them to pee instead of peeing on me. Using a certain area of their cages was never something I had a need for them to do. However, I would suggest cleaning the entire cage really well then putting a bit of their old soiled bedding into the litter box or the spot where you want them to go. This seems to be the way that works most often if anything does. Certain piggies will naturally choose the same spot to always soil (I had a few who would only go in corners and others who would only go behind their pigloos), these are generally the piggies who can be trained. If they go everywhere in the cage, there probably isn't much hope, but it is worth a shot. As for the fleece, it's an excellent idea. I used to use towels and fleece myself and in my experience, they only chew AT the cloth and never actually eat it and only occassionally, usually when they wanted to rearrange it. Many of my friends also use fleece and have never had any trouble with it either. Good luck with Sugar and Squeaker.
