Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > contagious?


21 14:20:04

One of my gp is snnezing. i gave antibiotics for a week, and she still sneezes. URI? i dunno. is sneezing contagious to other pigs? do you know about the antibiotic sulpham?

No, she shouldn't be contagious if it actually is a URI.  It's still usually a good idea to separate her for awhile, especially if you aren't sure what it is and to let her rest and get better.  If she still isn't better after the antibiotics you should take her back to the vet.  I don't know about sulpham because I'm not a vet.  The only ones I have experience with are baytril and aureomycin.  Since sulpham doesn't appear to be working they may try another one.

Good luck and let me know if I can be of any more help,