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betty boop, my piggie

21 14:07:52

hi!  i have never had a guinea pig.  A friend was about to get kicked out of her dorm at U of Texas so she left with me.  It was tiny and she said a boy. i can't tell. i named her betty boop, betty bob on sundays..... but here is my problem.  she loves grass and people and my dog and beer.  But MY head itches.  i see her scratching. i clip her nails, etc, hold her all the time like a kitten, she sings and whistles when i cook, doesn't even need crate top she is so spoiled but she has ruined several remote controls.  NOT CHEAP.  anyway, i was wondering if they get any kind of bugs.  i have checked her body, no bugs. she also has a blue eye and  brown eye and looks like a calico cat. She must be about a year maybe.  She is very smart and people don't realize how smart these adorable things are.  But my head itches. i comb it out but see nothing.  I know what lice is but maybe it is a different kind? i have researched internet and just wondering if you have any suggestions? do i bath her? i noticed when i wash my hair really good (like when i streaked it with color) my head did not itch for 2 days.  I have no cats or kids to have lice here. I live with just my dog.  Betty has no fleas.  She DOES have a thingie coming out of her thingie??? does that mean she is a boy?  Help!!!!

Hi Wendy,

Firstly ... good on you for taking Betty Boop on!

I am concerned about several things in the way in which you are keeping Betty. She should not be socialising with dogs; guinea pigs are very friendly creatures, but only with their own kind and humans. Larger pets cause unncesessary stress, and one day your dog could decide to chase and play with Betty, causing injury or even death. Even the best-behaved dogs still have their natural instincts. She should also not be allowed to drink beer or chew on remote controls.

As for the lice; guinea pigs can suffer from several forms of little beasties living in their skin and in their hair. The most common kind are very small and look like dust or dandruff; they are pale on dark-coloured guinea pigs, and dark on pale-coloured guinea pigs. These live on your piggy's skin all the time, and you only need to worry when an infestation breaks out. You will know this has happened as your piggy will start scratching a lot, and you will notice the mites in her hair. If you think she has mites, let me know, and I will advise you on how to bathe a guinea pig; as it can be very tricky and guinea pigs cannot swim, so it's more of a wash.

None of the mites or lice that guinea pigs have can be picked up by humans; so unless you've got fleas from your dog, or have headlice or nits, I can only presume that you have irritated your scalp with one of the products you're using on your hair. Try changing your shampoo, or seeing a hairdresser or doctor!

If Betty is a year old it will be very easy to tell if she is female as her name suggests, or a boy. Simply have a look between her legs! Testicles are very prominent on male guinea pigs, althoug the penis is pretty insignificant unless the piggy is excited or involved in a dominance ritual. If you are unsure, search the internet for "sexing a baby guinea pig" and you'll find lots of helpful hints.

Betty's different-coloured eyes are perfectly normal; as you aware, this can also occur in cats, dogs, and humans. And yes; guinea pigs are more intelligent than most people give them credit for. They can hear a fridge opening from a great distance; and mine always whistle when I put my coat on in the mornings because they know it's time for a treat.

As a first-time owner ... what are you feeding Betty?!

If you have any further questions, just ask.
