Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > pregnant or.. not?

pregnant or.. not?

21 14:13:54

I have 3 guinea pigs. 1 boy and 2 girls.
I wrote to one of the experts about 2 months ago about pregnancy and whether or not the girls were pregnant.

I was told they were pregnant by the symptoms that i was discribing, although it is now 3 months later and nothing has happened.
One of them is very big, although she was big before i even got the boy (which was sold to me as a girl).
I have based her being bigger on the fact that her guinea pig mix bloats her.

It's been 3 months and nothing's happened.
Is there a chance the 2 girls arn't pregnant?

Also, i read many stories about guinea pigs being calm and sitting on the ground and not running away- i thought it was pretty amazing! Mine just run away everytime i put them down. How can i make them trust me and not run away ?

thanks heaps.

Hi Chloe

If it has been 3 months then it seems they are not pregnant afterall as pregnancy lasts for 66-72 days only.

In terms of your other question, some piggies are more calm and tame than others. Lots of handling and affection is the only way to make them tamer. Also, when you pick them up dont swoop down, kneel down to their level first.
