Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Guinea pig having trouble eating

Guinea pig having trouble eating

21 14:11:05

Hi, I'm worried about my guinea pig. The last week he has not really eaten very much. He is still eating and wants to each he just seems to be having trouble. Other than this he is his normal happy self. I have looked at his teeth and the front ones look shorter than the bottom ones and his top teeth are a little bit brown at the bottom. Could he have toothache or something?

Your guinea could have a mouth infection or it could be hurting him to eat. I would check his mouth and monitor him carefully, feed him his favorite food and watch how he eats it. If he doesn't I would consult your local vet for advice but if he does it would give you an idea of how ill he is and where in the mouth the problem is. Then depending on how bad it is I would consult you vet and see if a medicine will be required.
Best wishes
Sorry I didn't reply earlier I was ill.