Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Thick Pee? EWWW!

Thick Pee? EWWW!

21 14:40:40

Yeah, so my guinea pig has really thick white pee. At least I think it's pee...Anyway...He did some sort of bodly function on some newspaper we had laid out for him, and I'm not quite sure what it was. It just looked really bad. Any help?

Jessica --

First, let me apologise for the delay in my response.  AllExperts was having some technical difficulties and I couldn't send any responses.  The problems are fixed now, so I should be answering questions much more quickly.

As for your question, I wouldn't worry about the substance unless your guinea pig is doing it on a regular basis and you are not noticing any normal urination.  If this is the case, I would take the guinea pig to the vet and have him checked for a bladder infection (which guinea pigs can get quite frequently.)  If this is just a one-off, I wouldn't worry about it, as it is probably just a normal discharge.

Hope this answers your question.  Please feel free to write again with any more questions you may have.  Good luck!
