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21 13:43:39

my name is Jenna. i have asked about treats for belle and pepper on 11/15/2012. Well, on 12/30/12 I went to get a towel. I put it on the couch. and i went to get pepper and she looked like she was sleeping. so i opened the door to the cage and pepper didn't move. so i graved a flashlight. i turned it on and her eyes were clouded.I poked her and she was hard.I think she died in her sleep. now belle hasn't eaten since. how can i get her to eat?

fuss her and spend time with her, guinea pigs mourn, getting a replacement pig might also help, or might do anything, for now she is going to be more familiar with you, if she feels socialised she is more lkely to eat, try grooming her with a few treats in her reach.

best of luck.