Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > male guinea pig aggresion

male guinea pig aggresion

21 14:07:04

I had one male guinea pig for 2 months then got another male guinea pig (both are 4-6 months old now) and at first there was some dominance issues, but then they got along and played together.  Now, about a month after having them both together, the older and larger one is constantly mounting the smaller one, biting him, nudging him and it has gotten to the point the smaller one sits in his house all day (when the larger one doesn't run him out) and will not play or move around at all.  Even in their playpen the small one won't even walk around anymore.  He is still drinking some water and eating some food but seems very stressed and depressed.  I have heard getting the more aggressive one neutered will not change his behavior, but I also don't want to separate them unless absolutely necessary.  How long can this aggression go on before I should separate them for good? And what should I do if the smaller one is depressed?  Thank you

Hi Lauren

This has got to do with dominance if this does keep on happening it is only fair if you take the smaller one out or get the older one neutered.
This also maybe a phase that the older one is going through watch them and if fights occur stop it straight away.
Fights can cause injuries
and injuries cause vet bills.
The chances of the smaller one being depressed is high because he is getting bullied by the other one spend time with him each day, try hand feeding him and playing with him he should come to be a bit more confident and like i said if they do continue fighting you will have to remove them from each other.

All the Best And the best of luck with them
