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breeding and questions

21 14:40:22

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whats does it mean if my female guineapig purrs when the male is close to her? and what does it mean when she heads butts him or pushes him away?
when my female is purring and so is the male and doing a dance she likes it but then pushes him away but one day i took the male out of the cage and his penis was out does it mean that they could of bred? thank you for your help.and also how much of a chance is there that she is pregnent she has been toghter with him for 4 weeks and the male is going home soon. thank you again.
Answer -
Amy --

The noises you heard your sow and boar making, as well as the little dances they do are all part of the mating rituals.  

The chances that your sow is pregnant are good, providing that they are both fertile.  I would give her a couple of weeks and then palpate to see if she is pregnant.

Hope this is helpful.  If you have any more questions, or if you have any questions about anything I've said, please feel free to contact me again.  Good luck!


What does palpate mean ?
Answer -
Amy --

Palpate means feel.  You will be feeling her lower stomach area (gently) for two hard, egg-shaped lumps.  If you feel these, then she is most likely pregnant.

Hope this answers your question.  If you need further explanation or have more questions, please feel free to contact me again.  Thanks!


HI my guineapig has 2 medium side/under bulges at 1 month pregnent and is that what you mean by the egg shaped lumps because i think shes pregnent her nipples have gotten bigger and she has weight gain so is she pregnent?
thank you

Amy --

Most guinea pigs are not visibly pregnant until after about a month and a half.  Usually, you will have to palpate (feel) for the babies until you're past the 6-7 week mark.  However, if you have any questions about determining for sure the pregnancy of an animal, I recommend taking the animal to a breeder or a vet and having her checked in person, as that is the only way to determine for certain that she is pregnant.

Hope this is helpful.  If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me again.  Good luck.
